Sales Conditions
All the products we supply comply with European (CE) regulations and are labeled in three national languages. Furthermore, we do not accept any orders of more than 5 kg of active substance (powder) per customer in accordance with the law. We must also verify that our customers are 16 years of age or older. As for technical fireworks of categories F4/T1/T2, they are not intended for use as joy fireworks, but rather for theater, signaling, etc. The minimum age for these items is 18 years.
We reserve the right to modify the content of orders at any time based on our stock levels, while respecting the homogeneity of the composition and the value of the goods. The programs described on this site will be supplied within the limits of available stocks.
European Regulation
Dear Pyrotechnics Enthusiasts,
Welcome to our dedicated space forthe splendor and safety of pyrotechnic products in Europe! Today, I want to give you an overview of the regulations that govern our favorite products: fireworks, stage pyrotechnics, and many other pyrotechnic wonders.
Europe has established a strict but fair regulatory framework aimed at ensuring the safety of everyone while allowing the free movement of these fascinating items across member states. At the heart of this regulation is Directive 2013/29/EU, a cornerstone that harmonizes the laws of the member states concerning the marketing of pyrotechnic articles. This directive ensures that all pyrotechnic articles sold in Europe meet high safety standards, thus protecting the health and safety of consumers as well as the environment.
For a pyrotechnic product to be marketed in the European market, it must comply with the EU's harmonized standards, which detail the specific technical requirements to be met. These standards cover everything from terminology to testing methods and from marking to performance requirements. Compliance with these standards is certified by the CE marking, a distinctive sign you have undoubtedly noticed on many products.
But what does this CE marking really mean for you, enthusiasts and professionals of pyrotechnics? In summary, it represents a guarantee that the item you hold has undergone rigorous testing and meets the strictest safety requirements. It's your assurance that the product can be used with confidence, respecting the traditions and innovations that characterize the art of pyrotechnics in Europe.We are also aware that pyrotechnic products are not just about laws and standards; they touch deep and varied cultural traditions across Europe.
This is why the directive allows member states to adopt specific national measures to restrict or prohibit the sale of certain types of pyrotechnic articles, always in the spirit of protecting public order, safety, and the environment.
Your safety is our top priority, and it is with this in mind that we encourage you to always check for the CE marking and to follow the instructions provided by manufacturers. By adhering to these principles, we can all continue to enjoy the beauty and excitement that pyrotechnic products bring to our celebrations, while ensuring the safety of everyone.
Stay informed, stay safe, and continue to light up the sky with magic and responsibility.
With pyrotechnic passion,
The Cielfestif Team
What is a pyrotechnic article?
By 'pyrotechnic articles,' we mean items containing explosive substances designed to produce heat, light, sound, gas, smoke, or a combination of these effects through self-sustaining exothermic chemical reactions.
In practice, this includes:
- Joy Fireworks:Entertainment fireworks of category 1 or F1, category 2 or F2;Pyrotechnic articles for theater of category T1 including generic types such as non-electrically ignited Bengal fires and smoke devices;
- Display Fireworks:Entertainment fireworks of category 3 or F3, category 4 or F4;Pyrotechnic articles for theater of category T2 and those from category T1 not classified as joy fireworks;
- Technical and/or Signal Fireworks:Other pyrotechnic articles (excluding joy and display fireworks) of categories P1 and P2, such as pyrotechnic devices for vehicles like gas generators used in airbags or seat belt pretensioners.